Hunting can be fun only when it is done the right way. It can as well be miserable when essential things that should be taken to consideration are left out. For those who are interested in hunting deer and you do not know what to do, here on this topic on how to hunt deer for beginners, you will get all that you need to know to get you started.
Going to the forest to hunt deer without any pre-knowledge of deer, and availability of instrument and lack of training, it is so bright you are up for a disappointing trip. There are things you need to know about deer hunting if you ever dream of being successful.
Deer hunting tips
Let’s start with deer hunting tips. They are essential things that you need to know which will help you in your quest to become a better deer hunter.
Cover your scent – Dress for success
One of the mistakes beginners make with deer hunting is that they care less about their smell. Perhaps they fail to learn that from training. Deer is one of the blessed animals with a great sense of smell. One of the ways to become successful is to get rid of your scent.
Deer can easily perceive the human smell a mile away. They can also distinguish smell from the surroundings and will flee from any sign of threat to them. So, as a beginner, it is essential you make use of scent eliminators. Our best choice is the Wildgame Innovations ZeroTrace Plasma Ion Field Generator.
There are some as soap, some spray that you can puff on your hunting clothes and equipment but none is as lasting as the effect of Wildgame Innovations ZeroTrace Plasma Ion Field Generator. It works excellently to eliminate the human scent and neutralize scent from the field. That sound like a great deal, right? It is the right step to start with.
Recommended for you: Best scent killer for deer hunting
Learning to dupe the deer
The next thing you need to know about deer hunting is the dupe aspect. Most experts realize this very late, and they wish they have found the tip early enough. So, it is never too late for you. Tricking deer into your zone is one of the ways to be successful.
You need to come up with an excellent way to fool the deer. You can make use of calls such as grunt tube, bleat cans and even the use of rattling of antlers to draw the deer to your range where you can easily have a clean and perfect shot.
Make your finding to know some the deer attractors you can use as there are many in the market, but our choices have been Primos Hunting 3755 Turbo Dogg Electronic Predator Call, Hook’s Custom Calls Messenger Deer Grunt Call and Hunters Specialties Johnny Stewart Deer Attractor with Remote.
Bow or Gun
I will opt for the use of a quality bow to hunt deer. The best bow for a beginner to hunt deer is a compound bow. Over the years and through experience, it has proven to be a great asset when it comes to hunting deer with bows, and most hunters can testify to that.
But as a beginner, before you can become vast in the use of a bow and arrow to hunt a deer you must have gone through series of training and if this aspect is still missing, you should get a deer target such like Delta 51490 Bloodline Buck, X-Large or you can hop over to one of my best post on this blog on best archery targets.
Practising with the target will help you get familiar with every part of the deer. That will increase your confidence and help you in becoming a better shooter. Without a doubt, practising hunting with target and bow improves one’s accuracy and confidence.
Most importantly, you should choose the bow that is ideal for you. From our list on the post best compound bow for beginners, there you have amazing lists of bows you can choose to help you through your quest of becoming a good deer hunter.
Highly recommended: Best compound bow for beginners
Highly recommended: Best hunting bow
Highly recommended: Best archery target
Get the perfect clothing
Why will you go on deer hunting with attractive clothing? I bet you have just gone to the field to have fun. Deer have the ability to sight things, and once they get to notice your presence, you have to rely on GOD and supernatural skills to hit the target while on the run.
Therefore, it is very important that you should consider getting the right hunting clothing. There are many hunting clothing in the market that fits perfectly into any hunting outings. Just select the one that suits you and your budget.
Recommended: Best hunting pants for deer hunters
When to hunt and where to hunt
If you want to be successful with deer hunting, you should take your time to study deer. You should know the best time to hunt and when not to hunt. The best time to hunt deer is in the morning and evening. To find the right hunting location for deer, you can make your research-based on your location. Do your findings, and that will help you become successful.
How to see more deer while hunting
There is no better way to see deer hunt that getting yourself to their location. Once you have been able to locate the deer habitat or where they love to dwell, you are on the right course to being successful.
Also, as I said earlier, you can make use of deer attractor. The device works excellently, and it will help you in your hunt. Also, you can use a rangefinder as well to locate deer for any distance. It is a great investment too.
Top pick: Tree saddle
Where to shoot a deer?
It is very important that you know some strategic places to shoot a deer. I have heard of some hunters lose their game even after hitting the target. Some animals flee away with an arrow and end up dying somewhere out of reach of the hunter.
There are vital places to shoot a deer. We will list and show you a video to help you through this section.
- Broadside shot
- Quartering away shot
- Quartering to shot
- Straight on shot
- Walking away shot
This post on how to hunt deer for beginners is not all that you need to know. We have just been able to cover the part we feel you should know as a beginner. Also, you should learn to be quiet when in the field hunting for deer. We really hope you become successful in your journey to become the best.